all postcodes in L5 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L5 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L5 8SB 10 0 53.421377 -2.982894
L5 8SE 9 0 53.421439 -2.98738
L5 8SF 49 0 53.421831 -2.983416
L5 8SG 15 0 53.421407 -2.983542
L5 8SL 9 1 53.421072 -2.983865
L5 8SN 1 1 53.420276 -2.984524
L5 8SU 17 0 53.422512 -2.985885
L5 8SX 12 0 53.422974 -2.983232
L5 8SY 1 1 53.422888 -2.985984
L5 8SZ 24 0 53.423069 -2.983746
L5 8TS 6 2 53.423205 -2.982425
L5 8TY 1 0 53.419887 -2.990263
L5 8TZ 2 1 53.41893 -2.989563
L5 8US 62 0 53.420034 -2.985436
L5 8UT 18 1 53.419015 -2.986978
L5 8UX 16 2 53.421065 -2.984738
L5 8UY 10 0 53.420666 -2.986294
L5 8XE 5 0 53.41997 -2.988896
L5 8XH 9 0 53.419326 -2.987361
L5 8XJ 47 0 53.419116 -2.983444